...::true love of books::...

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  • My Wishlist

    In no paticular order. I don't care if their used books :)! You guys should by me some books for my birthday *hint hint* ;) which is coming up November the 8th!! :) If you do I'll love you forever!!!! Here's also a link to my wishlists in case you want to see more of my wishlist :)! You can email me at temarasheppard(at)yahoo(dot)com if you have any questions.

  • Books to Trade

    I want to trade these books for different books. I can only do trading with people that live in the US though because I don't have the money to ship them far if your willing to trade sorry. There are 5 books as of right now that I want to trade and their listed below I'm willing to trade them for another 5 books or 1 book for another book and so on like that. If your willing to trade with me just comment below and tell me what book you want to trade and for which one please or send me an email please at temarasheppard(at)yahoo(dot)com

  • Current Giveaways

    OH Course you want to have a chance to win a free book! So check out my Current giveaways!!


Archive for December 2011

December RAK Wrap Up
Happy New Years Everyone! What's your New Years Resolution? Mine is to read more! :) 

1. Swoon by Nina Malkin & Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann 
to Lethea Benson @Luvdaylilies 

2. Shadow Bound by Erin Kellison 
to Daphne Habel 

3. Mesmerized by Julia Crane & For I Have Sinned by Darynda Jones 
to Memrie @darkangel88


1.  Tell Me You Want Me by Amelia James 
from Lethea Benson @Luvdaylilies 

That's it for this month now on to the new year! I can't believe it's 2012 time sure does fly! Anyways what did you get for RAK this month?!?!?